Die EM F1E wurde vom Rumänischen Verband abgesagt.

Die WM F1ABP Junior wurde für 2020 abgesagt.

Die EM F1ABC wurde abgesagt.

Die WM F1D ist bisher noch für Dezember geplant.


Ian Kaynes schreibt:

The likely changes in free flight are:

F1D Indoor. The March 2020 World Championships have been postponed to December 2020 but it was noted that Romania is also awarded the European Championships in March 2021. Since two events within three months did not seem ideal it was proposed that the World Championships be held in March 2021 and the European Championships lost. There will then be another World Championships in 2022 to continue on the established sequence of even tears.

F1ABP Junior. The World Championships was scheduled for August this year in Romania. Next year the Junior European Championships was to be held in conjunction with the F1ABC World Championships in France in August 2021. It was agreed that France could upgrade the Junior event from European to World Championships and the European Championships 2021 would be lost. Romania and others could bid for the 2022 Junior World Championships.

F1ABC. The European Championships in North Macedonia in August this year will be lost. The senior F1ABC events would then continue on the normal schedule, France for World Championships in 2021 and 2022 European Championships open for bids.

F1E. The European Championships was to be held in Romania in July 2020. This will now be lost and F1E continue in sequence with the World Championships as awarded to Romania for 2021.

In all the 2021 events involving Juniors it is proposed to increase the age limit by one year in 2021 only so that Juniors preparing for this year’s events will still be eligible next year for their delayed events in 2021.


Category 2 (Open Internationals including World Cup) Events had been cancelled up to April 20. The Bureau agreed to extend this to May 31, with the expectation that further extension may be needed.

It was anticipated that limits on travel or sporting events could continue well after May and a World Cup classification would not be representative of all participation. Thus all World Cups have been suspended for 2020.

The cancellation of events so far and the removal of World Cup status gives organisers two options:

  1. i) They could run their events as Open Internationals possibly on a new date later in the year. It is hoped that a draft calendar will be drawn up et the end of May, but these events can be changed at any time with one month notice and without regard for date clashes.
  2. ii) They can reschedule their event as a World Cup event in 2021, in which case their registration fee paid this year will be transferred to the 2021 event.


Another Bureau Zoom meeting is planned soon, but what to do about the Plenary meeting has not yet been decided.